Friday, May 13, 2011

A special thank you to my Angels and Ninjas

I have to give credit where credit is due on this post.  I got this idea from a past blog post by fellow blogger CookTrainEatRce.  Also, in writing this post, I have two goals.  The first goal is to thank everyone who has supported me throughout the past twenty weeks and the second to is to talk about Twitter.

For those of you who are new to my  blog or accessing it through the Cleveland Marathon homepage for the first time.  I am a huge fan of Twitter.  I first signed up for a twitter on May 6th 2009.  At first I didn't do much with it besides follow some professional cyclists and news feeds.  I did this until this past November.  I am not exactly sure how I got the idea, but I began to follow local twitter feeds from fellow Ohio runners, cyclists, and triathletes.  Through doing that, I have met some truly inspirational people around the country.  I,mm not exactly sure who came out with the name Angels and Ninjas, but I think it was either @cooktraineatrce or @Tridiesel.  Angels and Ninjas is a support group of fellow athletes.  We share our training tips, workouts, and provide constant support to each other.  Well, except for Tuesdays and Thursdays.  That is trash talk time, which pretty much ends up being a battle of trash talk between Ohio Athletes and our Texas buddies.   If you are reading this blog and are interested in meeting some truly inspirational people who are always willing to help.  Then I recommend you sign up for Twitter today and follow these Angles and Ninjas.  Without the support from these fellow athletic friends, doing things like training for a marathon.  Would be a lot harder than without their help.

I would like to thank the following people.  All of you are truly inspirational and have been a big help to me.

@CooktraineatRce - A ironman, blogger, training maniac, and recipe genius.  Thank you for all your help this week.

@Tridiesel - I am still not sure if this guy is real or not (inside joke), but this guy is so inspiring.  He sweats inspiration.  Thank you.

@JillMEarle - A fellow NEO runner and tribe fanatic that I've recently had the pleasure of meeting.  Thank you Jill for all your support.

@MattyO_83 - A fellow NEO runner, cyclist, and ironman in training.  Thanks buddy and good luck running the Cleveland marathon.

@jeep4wdva - Former Ohioan who is a triathlete and fellow cycling fanatic.  Thanks buddy for all the support.

@ShellsRuns - Fellow NEO runner and Pancake Mafia captain.  Thanks Michelle for all your support.

To these fellow triathlete rockstars @ironmanbythirty, @vrljc, @caratunkgirl, @Athleticprformr, @milesmusclesmom,  @skdickers Thanks for all you support

To my fellow Texas Ironmen  and runners @Allie0622, @Tri2live, @theladybaha, @JeffIrvin Thank you for all your help.

To my fellow Ohio runners @cbkingery, @RunrJenRN, @Raymondromero, @runningmom2boys, @CLECraftBeerRun, @el_lunchbx_runs, @heathamursch, @seesararun, @aj1209, @poiseinparma, @finishingfirsts, @RachaelMarchini, @ChristinaD222, @Iseibs, @KrisRunTri, @Kterp @Kimikay.  Thanks and best of luck to you in your races.

To my fellow Triathletes from Canada aye @rbuike, @rbirse, @Adenatri.  Thanks for everything.

To the future NEO Marathon Maniac Crew @Justin_MCL, @mollyberries, @mojamala2  I hope I am crazy enough to join your crew.

Also, I can't forget my non-twitter supporters.  My parents who taught me that anything is achievable through hard work.  A big thanks to my Sister Megan who will be making her racing debut this Summer.  Also, a big thanks to fellow Stow runners Angie Rubino and Jen Fissette.  Hopefully some day, I will be as fast as you two.  Last but not least, thanks to my college buddy Johna.  Thank you for all your race day quotes.

I know I probably repeated myself quite a but in this post, but I just want to say one final thank you to everyone who has been there for me.  I will be thinking about all of you this Sunday.



adena said...

Wow, thanks for the shout out.. I am enjoying watching your progress.. You are killing it!!!

Anonymous said...

Awesome post. I don't remember when I joined twitter but I didn't start actively partcipating until December and I started blogging shortly after that. I love that you posted all the people you talk to, I follow most of them because I see you conversing with them on a regular basis. Thanks for the shoot out and can't wait to become maniacs!!

MissFit Island said...

Thanks for the shout out. I will probably be at the Northeast Ohio Runners Club Tent before the race on Sunday if you wanted to stop by.

Jason said...

Dude, you are going to kill this weekend. Your training has been spot on and now you get to enjoy what you put into those 18 and 20 and 22 mile runs for the past few months.

Remember this is enjoyable. Remember to smile. High-Five a few people. Call out the volunteers and enjoy yourself.

You are going to do great.

Allison said...

You are going to rock it this weekend!!! We will be cheering for you from Tejas - even though you talk s**t twice a week :)

So excited for you!!!!!!

Alicia at Poise in Parma said...

You are too kind to include me in your list of thanks. I'm so excited for you to run this weekend and even more excited to give you that finisher's medal at the end!!! Go get 'em!

Matty O said...

Thanks for the shout out ;)

You have got this thing hands down. No need to shower after the race either since we will get poured on for 26.2 miles haha!

Twitter is fun and yes, the daily chatter is great to muster up motivation and relieve frustrations LOL

Unknown said...

Have fun!!!! :) Can't wait to hear how it goes!!!

Jon said...

Ah, so there is where you hail from! Now I have made the connection, duh! haha! Finally following you.

And good luck this weekend! Have a blast!

Ironman By Thirty said...

So harassing you and giving you shit on Twitter qualifies as "support". In that case, happy to help :)

Enjoy this experience on Sunday. You only get to run your first marathon once. Soak it in. And most importantly HAVE FUN!

Unknown said...

You got Sunday, Matt. You've got it. You have come so far, so fast. Enjoy it.

Caratunk Girl said...

Thinking about you. So glad that harassment counts as support ;)

Big Daddy Diesel said...

We are more then glad to help harass you to keep you motivated in your endurance endeavors. Off to read your race report

Ninjas came from me, Jason added Angels, we formed, now, an international group since we voted him out of the states.